Futurehealth Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning & Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meeting

Jan 19-22, 2007 Palm Springs, CA  Pre-Conference Courses Jan 15-18        

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Frontal Cortex Hemoencephalography (HEG); Brain oxygenation  proportionally improves Variables of Attention, 
Hershel Toomim
          In HEG a non-invasive spectrophotometer measures brain reflected and refracted light from a pair of selected wavelengths incident on the brain through the scalp.  A display derived from a metric proportional to capillary blood oxygenation is provided for control by an observer.
          Frontal cortex is widely recognized as part of the executive functioning of the brain. Important in this function is attention, accuracy, speed and stability of response time to a visual stimulus.
Speed and accuracy of decision-making are accepted components of Intelligence testing. (Wechsler…)
Deficits in frontal cortex blood flow have been found in studies of deficits of frontal cortex functioning.
The Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) is a standardized test to assess Omission, Impulsivity, Response Time, and Response Time Variability to approximately 690 targets and non-targets randomly displayed at 2 second intervals.
Toomim (2001), in a literature study has found all publications of neurofeedback training for Attention Deficit Disorder that utilized TOVA as the before and after assessing test showed a direct proportionality between TOVA point gain and the number of exposures to this training. 
HEG training described below examined the effect of training time for intentional increase of cerebral oxygenation on the gain in TOVA measurements.
The study investigated the hypothesis that the speed and accuracy of the frontal cortex component of decision making as measured with TOVA improves with HEG training duration.
Fifty three self-selected age and initial TOVA matched memory deficit adults were measured with TOVA before and after training for blood flow increase in the frontal cortex with Hemoencephalography (HEG). The probands were divided into 2 groups. Training for the control group was divided into ten sessions of one ten minute segment each. The members of the experimental group received ten sessions of three ten minute segments each
The experimental group gained significantly more TOVA points than the control group. When correction was applied for trainer efficiency the experimental group gain was proportional to exposure time within 5%
HEG blood oxygenation exercise increases speed and accuracy of decision-making. This finding suggests HEG can be used an as simple non-invasive treatment for brain dysfunctions.
This study has shown a direct relationship between an improvement of a frontal lobe  brain function, TOVA, and trained increases in available frontal blood supply. PET studies by Zametkin 1990 showed frontal lobe hypoperfusion in ADD/ADHD boys This suggests that further brain functions may be similarly enhanced.
TOVA and Trained EEG
TOVA was developed to measure and titrate stimulant medication in ADD/ADHD children. All published studies using TOVA as a dependent variable have also shown a direct proportionality between TOVA gain and training time. (Toomim H. 2002)
The frontal lobes are inhibitory executive areas in the brain, which control attention, decisions, impulsivity, TOVA variables, and emotions as well as regulation of the motor areas of the brain..
The brain¹s electrical patterns are subject to modification through training, a fact discovered in research done in the late 1960s by Doctor Barry Sterman, now a professor emeritus at UCLA. His work was originally in animals, though it was replicated in humans starting in the 1970s.  The technique of training the brain to behave in a new and different way is now called Neurothreapy or Neurofeedback.
Neurotherapy is non invasive, utilizes the brain’s own voluntary activity and has less likelihood of having side effects than medication. It takes a number of training sessions before the effect is noted and becomes more permanent.
Hypoperfusion; EEG and HEG
A research project performed at UCLA by Ian. A. Cook, et al. in 1998 showed that the brain¹s electrical activity, or electroencephalogram (EEG), also has specific correlates of blood perfusion. This is useful in that the EEG is capable of showing when perfusion is low, as seen frontally in ADD/ADHD and distributed frontally or otherwise in other brain deficits.
Regulation and measurement of blood supply
The brain controls it’s own blood supply through neuronal metabolic demand for construction, dilation and constriction of blood vessels.  The blood flow is directed to areas that are active through this self-regulation. The blood supply flow, along with the utilization of oxygen, is measured as "perfusion", clearly seen in some of the modern imaging techniques, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) technology. 
Brain structure and exercise
That the brain changes structurally when it learns is now recognized. Microscopic changes in the structure, forming and reinforcing of dendrites, is a normal brain metabolic function. This highly changeable connective nature is referred to as neural plasticity, a descriptor of the malleability or change-ability of materials or structures.
Glial feet and blood flow
Brain capillaries, which constitute only 0.1% of the brain mass (Bar, 1980), are responsible for the transport of glucose for the entire brain.  Glucose is the prime energy substrate utilized by the high metabolic demand of the brain. The bulk of the brain's oxygen supports this glucose metabolism.  The breach of the blood brain barrier by glial cell feet transport glucose from blood to brain (Fuglsang, Lombolt, & Gjedde, 1998, Lund & Anderson, 1979.
Oxygen Availability and Cortical Blood
Oxygen availability in cortical blood is measured by the HEG technique.  Its relationship to cortical blood flow is supported by Schore
"It is now known that the capillary network in a region is directly correlated with the region's oxygen consumption (Cragie, 1945), that regional blood flow and regional me­tabolism are coupled to local synaptic activity (Greenberg, Hand, Sylvestro, & Reivich, 1979), and that differences between blood flow and oxygen consumption exist not at the macroregional but at the microregional level (Reivich et al., 1977)."
Use it or lose it
The brain has a method of developing and expanding the pathways that are used, and "pruning" the connections that aren’t utilized. This process is most dramatic early in life, but continues throughout life. The pathways that are more consistently utilized are protected from the pruning process through a mechanism still unknown to science, though the fact of the change is irrefutable.
Another time when this is evident is following damage, stroke or head injury. Further disability results from disuse of supporting brain areas. The surrounding functions may take over an area not utilized. As Marion Diamond says “Use it or lose it”
Growth-through-utilization, brain exercise, is the process that we want to focus on (Taub, Scheibel, McDonald). This process is how we build additional capacity for the nervous system to do its work. Analogous to exercise building muscle mass, the utilization of the brain builds the mass of the brain¹s dendritic connections. 
Brain Development
"In light of the facts that synaptic overproduction operationally defines a critical period and that brain vasculature is intimately involved in the metabolic and functional support of synapses, experience-dependent regional blood flow events, influ­enced by subcortically exported catecholamines, may thus be a critical regulating factor in the development of regional differences in the time course of human cortical synaptogenesis."
Vascularization and therapy
Vascularization of the brain is of particular interest in therapeutic interventions to improve poorly developed areas. The following citation from Schore makes clear reference to this process.
"The developing brain produces an angiogenesis factor (Gospodarowicz, Chang, Lui, Baird, & Bohlen, 1984; Risau, 1986) a peptide growth factor that influences the  vascularization of the nervous system (Gaspadorowicz, Massoglia, Chang, Fuji 1986) and promotes development of dopaminergic  (Engele and Bohn, 1991) and cerebral cortical  (Morrison, Sharma, DeVillis, & Bradshaw, 1986) neurons.”  
Localized Brain work
An important part of work with young and mature brains is location and treatment of areas involved in easily recognized behaviors. With this knowledge a therapist can locate the training HEG tool to develop those areas most involved in brain deficits.  In pursuit of this goal, readings from Affect Regulation and the origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development by Allan N. Schore Ph.D. present areas of functional development.
It is now recognized that brain growth continues throughout life. It is therefore useful to follow infant brain development, so well outlined by Alan Schore.  The following quotations from his trenchant book lead to recognition of brain areas specifically devoted to recognition of functional brain areas.
Schore is especially interested in prefrontal regions because they form early essential connections between the intelligent cortical areas and the limbic emotional life-sustaining brain regions. 
Body position in space
Jonides et al. (1993) report positron emission tomography (PET) studies of human regional cerebral blood flow that reveal activation in right hemisphere prefrontal, occipital, parietal, and premotor cortices accompanying spatial working memory processes.  In this study of the circuitry of working memory, the activated prefrontal region, Brodmann’s area 47, is part of the orbitofrontal cortex and is in the right and not left hemisphere. Brodmann’s right hemisphere area 37 locates a prime treatment area for deficits in “sense of direction”.
Deep brain structures and cortical functions (Schore)
Treatment of deep brain areas with HEG is limited by their connections to surface cortical positions. Shore provides support for this position:
“The next question is, what sites are delivering axons to these prefrontal dendrites? In other words, what kinds of connections need to be made in order to sustain mature function? Subcortical input from the magnocellular portions of the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (Corwin et al., 1983; Leonard, 1969; Rose & Woolsey, 1948) and regions of the amygdala (Porrino, Crane, & Goldman-Rakic, 1981) and hippocampus (More-craft et al., 1992) are known to be delivered to this cortex.  Ingrowing axons to deep orbital neurons are also derived from the lateral. medial, and posterior regions of the hypothalamus (Morecraft et al., 1992).  It should he remembered that these orbitofrontal columns receive the convergent input of processed sensory information (olfactory, somesthetic, visual, and auditory) from all cortical association cortices (Yarita et al., 1980)."
Functional location of speech and memory (Schore)
"Speech production, long considered a product of the "verbal" left hemisphere is particularly dependent upon prefrontal functioning.  Recent tomographic and blood flow studies reveal that verbal fluency is specifically associated with an increase in metabolic activity of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Frith Inston, Liddle, & Frackowiak, 1991; Warkentin et al., 1991).  This prefrontal area is operative in the analysis of sequences of phonemes (Alexander, Benson, A Stuss, 1989).  However, the orbital cortex is also known to be implicated in auditory functions (Fallon & Benevento, 1978).  In fact, Ross (1983) points out the often overlooked finding that the right hemisphere is centrally and uniquely involved in the recognition and expression of the prosodic, affective components of language.  It is now thought that the two hemispheres contain unique representational systems, affective-configurational in the right. and lexical-semantic in the left( Watt I 99()).  Bruner (I986) postulates a narrative form of thought which arises earlier than a paradigmatic form is associated with autobiographic self-in-interaction-with-other experiences and is heavily affectively charged.  Vitz (1990) concludes narrative thought is expressed in intonation and emotion-associated images and is characterized as 'language in the service of right hemisphere cognition.'"
Growth-through-utilization, brain exercise, is the process that we want to focus on (Taub, Scheibel, McDonald). This process is how we build additional capacity for the nervous system to do its work. Analogous to exercise building muscle mass, the utilization of the brain builds the mass of the brain¹s dendritic connections. HEG and EEG neurotherapy is simple and effective exercise technique.
An important part of work with young and mature brains is location and treatment of areas involved in easily recognized behaviors In pursuit of this goal readings from Affect Regulation and the origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development by Allan N. Schore Ph.D. present  areas of functional development in the infant, less than two years old.
It is now recognized that brain growth continues throughout life. It is therefore useful to follow infant brain development ,  so well outlined by Alan Schore.  The following
quotations from his trenchant book lead to recognition of brain areas specifically devoted to  recognition of functional brain areas.
Schore is specially interested in prefrontal regions because they form early essential connections between the intelligent cortical areas and the limbic emotional life sustaining brain regions.
"In light of the facts that synaptic overproduction operationally defines a critical period and that brain vasculature is intimately involved in the metabolic and functional support of synapses, experience-dependent regional blood flow events, influ­enced by subcortically exported catecholamines, may thus be a critical regulating factor in the development of regional differences in the time course of human cortical synaptogenesis."
Oxygen availability in cortical blood is measured by the HEG technique. Its relationship to cortical blood flow is supported by Schore
            "It is now known that the capillary network in a region is directly correlated with the region's oxygen consumption (Cragie, 1945), that regional blood flow and regional me­tabolism are coupled to local synaptic activity (Greenberg, Hand, Sylvestro, & Reivich, 1979), and that differences between blood flow and oxygen consumption exist not at the macroregional but at the microregional level (Reivich et al., 1977)."
As becomes clear in the following quotation, it is important to note that the mere development of brain tissue is insufficient in itself to insure useful outcomes of brain exercise. Numerous recent brain imaging studies have implicated bioamines in promotion of blood flow in specific brain regions.  This is of particular interest because brain exercise of specific brain regions can be expected to result in activation of these regions.
            "Dopamine, a neuromodulator that increases arousal, (Iverson 1997) has been shown to specifically increase prefrontal metabolism  (McCulloch, Savaki, & McCulloch 1982).  These findings suggest that the initial increased energy demands of growing prefrontal cortical tissue are met by localized dopamine-enhanced uptake of glucose, some of which is utilized in the oxidative arm of the pentose phosphate shunt (Hothersall et al., 1982), the biochemical pathway that supports biosynthetic processes.  Indeed, catecholamines have pronounced effects on cerebral oxidative metabolism and blood flow, especially in areas with an incomplete blood-brain barrier (Berntman, Dahlgren, & Siesjo, 1978).  Dopamine, in particular, functionally increases blood flow in various brain areas (Ekstrom-Jodal, Elfverson, & Von Essen, 1982; Von Essen, 1974), including a brain region with an incomplete barrier (choroid plexus; Townsend, Ziedonis, Bryan, Brennan, & Page. 1984).  In addition, the catecholaminergic regulation of the permeability of water into this local brain region via its effects on the rate of cerebral blood flow (Raichle, Eichling, & Grubb, 1974) may allow for transport of an optimal amount  of water into the developing parenchyma that facilitates cell growth and differentiation and thereby synaptogenesls."
            Vascularization of the brain is of particular interest in therapeutic interventions to improve poorly developed areas. The following citation from Schore makes clear reference to this process.
"The developing brain produces an angiogenesis factor (Gospodarowicz, Chang, Lui, Baird, & Bohlen, 1984; Risau, 1986) a peptide growth factor that influences the  vascularization of the nervous system (Gaspadorowicz, Massoglia, Chang, Fuji 1986) and promotes development of dopaminergic  (Engele and Bohn, 1991) and cerebral cortical  (Morrison, Sharma, DeVillis, & Bradshaw, 1986) neurons.   Active capillary sprouting and branching is observed postnatally in the cerebral hemispheres (Bar &  Wolf, 1972).  By the end of the first year the capillary density of the human cortex doubles (Purves, 1972)
Brain capillaries, which constitute only 0.1% of the brain mass (Bar, 1980), are responsible for the transport of glucose for the entire brain.  Glucose is the prime energy substrate utilized by the high metabolic demand of the immature brain, as its metabolism accounts for the bulk of the brain's oxygen metabolism.  It is the blood brain barrier that regulates the transport of glucose from blood to brain (Fuglsang, Lombolt, & Gjedde, 1998, Lund & Anderson,1979."
Recent advances have shown that glucose and oxygen are transferred from the capillaries to the neurons via stellite glial cells.  Glial cell feet on capillaries breach the blood brain barrier. (Refs…) 
A notable feature of voluntary activation of brain blood flow is activation as shown by skin conductance measures.  When a person's upper limit in flow is neared there is a rapid increase in arousal mediated by the reticular activating system.  The reference below points out the importance of such stimulation in developing brain vasculature  by expressing local regional needs. [ED]
            "Observers have noted that stimulation of the brainstem reticular formation influences cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption (Meyer, Nomura, Saka­moto, & Kondo, 1969), that highly branched fibers originating in brainstem catecholaminergic neurons innervate blood vessels in widely dispersed areas of the brain (Swanson & Hartman, 1975), and that catecholamines regulate vascular permeability and influence blood flow in the cerebral microcirculation (Raichle et al., 1975).  Catecholaminergic modulation of microvascular transport of glucose into orbito-frontal columns would represent a control mechanism by which oxygen, energy substrate, and catalytic hormonal factors would be more efficiently delivered into the expanding orbitofrontal neuropil.  The anatomical maturation of this subcortical system could support emergent functions that result from more complex synaptic events.  According to Hartman and Udenfreind (1972) the innervation of brain vasculature by distant catecholaminergic neurons operates as a regulator that responds to the local needs of the brain regions.  I suggest that this underlies the mechanism whereby subcortically manufactured biogenic amines regulate the biochemical response of an individual cerebral cortical cholinergic synapse (Shimizu, Creveling, & Daly, 1970) and by which a single dopamine axon can modulate a large number of cortical pyramidal cells (Smiley et al., 1992).  The monoaminergic control of brain microvascular systems thus mediates an essential homeostatic role.
            "In discussing his work on the induction of cortical structure by early experience. Greenough (1987) finds a common pattern---dendritic growth followed by exuberant-synaptogenesis followed by synaptic pruning and preservation.  With regard to this last step, he refers to an 'activity-dependent selective preservation of synapses.'  Rosenzweig et al. (1972) also report that cortical development involves an initial period of increased growth followed by a diminution in cortical depth.  This ontogenetic decline in cortical depth is influenced by environ­mental stimulation-induced neural activity (Cummins, Livesey, & Bell, 1982).  It is important to note that imprinting-influenced expansive changes coincide with a selective degeneration of other local neural systems (Wolff, 1979), that imprinting involves the construction of some new synapses and the elimination of other previously existing ones (Horn, Bradley, & McCabe, 1985; Patel, Rose, & Stewart, 1988).  Changeux and Dehaene, (1989) describe the essential developmental phenomenon of the activity-dependent Darwinian elimination and selective stabilization of synapses.  This adaptive process occurs, for example, in developing cortical association areas (Price & Blakemore, 1985) during postnatal imprinting sensitive periods.  Huttenlocher (1990) emphasizes that there is a very significant loss of cortical synapses in the postnatal period, and that cortical synapse elimination plays an especially important role in the development of complex systems.
Further emphasis of the importance and interconnectivity of the frontal regions  with deep subcortical structures such as the thalamus, hippocampus and in particular the orbito-frontal regions is clear in the following : [ED]
"The imprinting-induced amplification of cholinergic receptors on dendrites in the deep layers of the orbitofrontal cortex would allow for an increased number of synaptic connections with incoming axons.  The next question is, what sites are delivering axons to these prefrontal dendrites? In other words, what kinds of connections need to be made in order to sustain mature function? Subcortical input from the magnocellular portions of the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (Corwin et al., 1983; Leonard, 1969; Rose & Woolsey, 1948) and regions of the amygdala (Porrino, Crane, & Goldman-Rakic, 1981) and hippocampus (More-craft et al., 1992) are known to be delivered to this cortex.  Ingrowing axons to deep orbital neurons are also derived from the lateral. medial, and posterior regions of the hypothalamus (Morecraft et al., 1992).  It should he remembered that these orbitofrontal columns receive the convergent input of processed sensory information (olfactory, somesthetic, visual, and auditory) from all cortical association cortices (Yarita et al., 1980)."
            "For example, with the emergence of upright locomotion that signals the onset of the practicing period, orbital neurons may simultaneously receive afferent input from both posterior parietal (Cavada & Goldman-Rakic, 1989) areas that provide an image of the position of the body in space with respect to objects in the surround­ing space (Hecaen & Albert, 1978), and input from posterior visual areas (Squatrito, Galletti, Majali, & Battaglini, 1981).  This combination would allow for this prefrontal structure to play an essential role in 'recording movements of the visual environment relative to the body' and in 'the adjustment of motor behav­ior to such movements' (Mucke et al., 1982) 
Stimulation of the dorsal medullary reticular formation elicits noradrenergic-induced alterations in blood flow in the cortex, including prefrontal areas (Iadecola, Lacombe, Underwood, Ishitsuka, & Reis, 1987)."
            "Speech production, long considered a product of the "verbal" left hemisphere is particularly dependent upon prefrontal functioning.  Recent tomographic and blood flow studies reveal that verbal fluency is specifically associated with an increase in metabolic activity of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Frith Inston, Liddle, & Frackowiak, 1991; Warkentin et al., 1991).  This prefrontal area is operative in the analysis of sequences of phonemes (Alexander, Benson, A Stuss, 1989).  However, the orbital cortex is also known to be implicated in auditory functions (Fallon & Benevento, 1978).  In fact, Ross (1983) points out the often overlooked finding that the right hemisphere is centrally and uniquely involved in the recognition and expression of the prosodic, affective components of language.  It is now thought that the two hemispheres contain unique representational systems, affective-configurational in the right. and lexical-semantic in the left( Watt I 99()).  Bruner (I986) postulates a narrative form of thought which arises earlier than a paradigmatic form is associated with autobiographic self-in-interaction-with-other experiences and is heavily affectively charged.  Vitz (1990) concludes narrative thought is expressed in intonation and emotion-associated images and is characterized as 'language in the service of right hemisphere cognition.'"
            "Goldman-Rakic's proposal is supported by Jonides et al. (1993), who report positron emission tomography (PET) studies of human regional cerebral blood flow that reveal activation in right hemisphere prefrontal, occipital, parietal, and premotor cortices accompanying spatial working memory processes.  Most importantly, in this study of the circuitry of working memory, the activated prefrontal region, area 47, is part of the orbitofrontal cortex (see Figures 4.7 and 4.8), and is in the right and not left hemisphere."
            "Brain capillaries are composed of contiguous endothelial cells separated by a tight junction (see Fig. 11.4), and in the brain microvasculature the two ends of the same endothelial cell completely surrounding the capillary lumen abut at a junction (see Fig. 11.2).  These occluding junctions are the morphological basis for the blood-brain barrier, and it is known that agents that affect the permeability of the cerebral vasculature do so by causing leakages in the tight junctions.  In a classical work on the effects of monoamines on vascular permeability, Majno and Palade (1961a) found that these agents cause endothelial openings along intercellular junctions, and speculate that the opening of a gap is due to the contraction of epithelial cells.   This principle is now well established, and the molecular biology of epithelial control mechanisms and gap formation is now being 'worked out (Currry. 1992)"
            "Blood flow is known to correlate with changes in arousal levels (Obristet al., 1975)
and to be an indicator of regional oxidative metabolism (Raichle et al., 1976).  Both
 regional blood flow and regional metabolism are known to be coupled  to local synaptic activity (Greenherg et al 1979)…This mechanism identifies Luria's (1973) structural systems in the subcortex and brainstem that maintain and regulate the tone of the cerebral cortex.  'Cortical tone' may thus specifically refer to the tone of the cerebral microvasculature."
"It is well established that the number of actively functioning cerebral capillaries (Mchedlishvili, 1964) and capillary permeability (Lorenzo, Fernandez, & Roth, 1965) may vary with the physiological state of the brain.  At the end of the last century, Roy and Sherrington (1890) were the first to suggest a concept of intrinsic control of the circulation and propose that this is focally adapted to the region's metabolic and functional needs.  We now know that the innervation of the brain's vasculature by monoaminergic neurons operates as a regulator that responds to the local needs of brain regions (Hartman & Udenfriend, 1972).  Dopamine produces a significant increase in blood flow in the frontal cortex, and this has been suggested to reflect the activation of specific receptors located on endothelium (Tuor et al., 1986).  Nor­adrenergic axons in the frontal cortex also show a low incidence of 'true' synaptic terminals (Lapierre, Beaudet, Demianezuk, & Descarries, 1973).  The noradrenergic effects on cerebral blood flow have also been proposed to be mediated by endothelial receptors on the cerebral vasculature (Aubineau, Ser­combe, Lusamvuku, & Seylaz, 1982).  The nucleus of the solitary tract, site of medullary noradrenergic neurons, is now being referred to as the 'gateway to neural circulatory control' (Andressen & Kunze, in press).  The importance of an optimal microcirculation to the chemical and structural aspects of brain development is only now beginning to be appreciated (Casaer, I 993)"  [Emphasis ED]
"Majno and Palade (l96lb) reported that the site of action of serotonin is on the venous side of the vascular tree.  Taking this idea further, different classes of serotonin receptors in the brain microcirculation may reside in the minute postcapilliry venules, more permeable sites that display only limited tight junctions (Simtonescu Simionescu, & Palade, 1975).  Different classes of dopamine receptors could occupy the endothelial cells of minute precapillary arterioles and the various noradrenaline receptors could be represented on single-cell capillaries.  Furthermore, these systems may appear in a regular ontogenetic fashion.  For example, cortical serotonin receptors develop in an orderly ontogenetic sequence (Uzbekov, Murphy, & Rose, 1979).  Like the catecholamines, serotonin neurons in the brainstem (raphe nuclei) project to small vessels in the brain (Reinhard, Liebman, Schlossberg, & Moskowitz, 1979), induce increased blood flow (Jacobs & Fornal, 1993), and have modulatory effect on brain systems (Fornal & Jacobs, 1987) and neural information processing (Spoont, 1992).  Although serotonin, by itself, produces little or no change in neuronal activity, when combined with an excitatory amino acid or electrical stimulation, it induces a neuronal state transition, a shift from a stable hyperpolarization state of neuronal inactivity to a new stable depolarized "plateau" state with tonic neuronal activity (Jacobs & Fornal, 1993)."
            "Serotonin axons are capable of collateral sprouting (Azmitla Buehan & Williams, 1978), and the branching of serotonin axons in the cerebral cortex thought to take place in postnatal stages of development (Aitken & Lork 1988).   Serotonergic axon terminals in the frontal cortex also exhibit mostly nonsynaptic terminals (Descarries, Beaudet & Walkins 1975).  In addition serotonin also shares other properties of the catecholamines---it stimulates the hexose monophosphate pathway in the neonatal cortex (Appel & Parrot 1970), induces glycogenolysis (Qitach et al., 1982) disaggregates brain  polysomes (Weiss Wurtman, & Munro, 1973), influences the differentiation of other neurons (Laudcr & Krebs, 1986), and regulates neuronal architecture and sculpts connectivity (Haydon, McCobb, & Kater, 1984).  Serotonin receptors coupled to adenylate cyclase are very frequent in newborn brains (Leysen, 1985).  Importantly, in the period immediately after birth serotonin plays a critical role in very early neonatal experience (Julian, McEwen, & Pohorecky, 1974).  This bioamine is known to play an important role in sleep, thermoregulation, and appetitive behavior (Brownstein 1981), prominent features in neonatal repertoire."
            Numerous recent brain imaging studies have implicated bioamines in promotion of blood flow in specific brain regions.  This is of particular interest because brain exercise of specific brain regions can be expected to result in activation of the amines specific to these regions. [ED]
            "Dopamine, a neuromodulator that increases arousal, (Iverson 1997) has been shown to specifically increase prefrontal metabolism  (McCulloch, Savaki, & McCulloch 1982).  These findings suggest that the initial increased energy demands of growing prefrontal cortical tissue are met by localized dopamine-enhanced uptake of glucose, some of which is utilized in the oxidative arm of the pentose phosphate shunt (Hothersall et al., 1982), the biochemical pathway that supports biosynthetic processes.  Indeed, catecholamines have pronounced effects on cerebral oxidative metabolism and blood flow, especially in areas with an incomplete blood-brain barrier (Berntman, Dahlgren, & Siesjo, 1978).  Dopamine, in particular, functionally increases blood flow in various brain areas (Ekstrom-Jodal, Elfverson, & Von Essen, 1982; Von Essen, 1974), including a brain region with an incomplete barrier (choroid plexus; Townsend, Ziedonis, Bryan, Brennan, & Page. 1984).  In addition, the catecholaminergic regulation of the permeability of water into this local brain region via its effects on the rate of cerebral blood flow (Raichle, Eichling, & Grubb, 1974) may allow for transport of an optimal amount  of water into the developing parenchyma that facilitates cell growth and differentiation and thereby synaptogenesls."
            Vascularization of the brain is of particular interest in therapeutic interventions to remediate poorly developed areas. The following citation makes clear reference to this process. [ED]
"The developing brain produces an angiogenesis factor (Gospodarowicz, Chang, Lui, Baird, & Bohlen, 1984; Risau, 1986) a peptide growth factor that influences the  vascularization of the nervous system (Gaspadorowicz, Massoglia, Chang, Fuji 1986) and promotes development of dopaminergic  (Engele and Bohn, 1991) and cerebral cortical  (Morrison, Sharma, DeVillis, & Bradshaw, 1986) neurons.   Active capillary sprouting and branching is observed post natally in the cerebral hemispheres (Bar &  Wolf, 1972).  By the end of the first year the capillary density of the human cortex doubles (Purves, 1972)"
            "Brain capillaries, which constitute only 0.1% of the brain mass (Bar, 1980), are responsible for the transport of glucose for the entire brain.  Glucose is the prime energy substrate utilized by the high metabolic demand of the immature brain, as its metabolism accounts for the bulk of the brain's oxygen metabolism.  It is the blood brain barrier that regulates the transport of glucose from blood to brain (Fuglsang, Lombolt, & Gjedde, 1998, Lund & Anderson,1979."
Recent advances have shown that glucose and oxygen are transferred from the capillaries to the neurons via stellite glial cells.  Glial cell feet on capillaries breach the blood brain barrier. [ED] 
A notable feature of voluntary activation of brain blood flow is activation as shown by skin conductance measures.  When a person's upper limit in flow is neared there is a rapid increase in arousal mediated by the reticular activating system.  The reference below points out the importance of such stimulation in developing brain vasculature  by expressing local regional needs. [ED]
            "Observers have noted that stimulation of the brainstem reticular formation influences cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption (Meyer, Nomura, Saka­moto, & Kondo, 1969), that highly branched fibers originating in brainstem catecholaminergic neurons innervate blood vessels in widely dispersed areas of the brain (Swanson & Hartman, 1975), and that catecholamines regulate vascular permeability and influence blood flow in the cerebral microcirculation (Raichle et al., 1975).  Catecholaminergic modulation of microvascular transport of glucose into orbito-frontal columns would represent a control mechanism by which oxygen, energy substrate, and catalytic hormonal factors would be more efficiently delivered into the expanding orbitofrontal neuropil.  The anatomical maturation of this subcortical system could support emergent functions that result from more complex synaptic events.  According to Hartman and Udenfreind (1972) the innervation of brain vasculature by distant catecholaminergic neurons operates as a regulator that responds to the local needs of the brain regions.  I suggest that this underlies the mechanism whereby subcortically manufactured biogenic amines regulate the biochemical response of an individual cerebral cortical cholinergic synapse (Shimizu, Creveling, & Daly, 1970) and by which a single dopamine axon can modulate a large number of cortical pyramidal cells (Smiley et al., 1992).  The monoaminergic control of brain microvascular systems thus mediates an essential homeostatic role.
As becomes clear in the following quotation, it is important to note that the mere development of brain tissue is insufficient in itself to insure useful outcomes of brain exercise. Education and use of newly formed brain tissue is necessary for long lasting abilities.
An important part of work with brain deficits is location and treatment of areas involved in easily recognized behaviors. With this knowledge a therapist can locate the training HEG tool to develop those areas most involved in brain deficits
            TOVA and Trained EEG
            Hypoperfusion: EEG and HEG
            Regulation and measurement of blood supply
                        Brain structure and exercise
                                    Glial feet and blood flow
Oxygen availability in cortical blood
                                    Use it or lose it
                        Brain development
                        Vascularization and therapy
                        Vascularization of poorly developed areas
                        Localized brain work
                        Body position in space
                                    Deep brain structures and cortical functions (Schore)
Blood flow and bioamines
            Functional location of speech and memory (Schore)
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